Officer Estevez is a native of Pancake Paradise. One day he was hanging out in the jungle, minding his own business, when he was abducted by pirates! They locked him in a cellar alone with a talking parrot that continously mocked him. Estevez did not speak English at the time so he decided to learn it from what the parrot was saying. When he finally figured out what the parrot had been saying about him he was enraged and broke free from his chains.

At that very moment Frank Frank was attacking the same pirate ship and saw a gorilla was already clobbering them. After their daring escape, Frank Frank and Officer Estevez decided to join forces to finally defeat the pirates. Officer Estevez thought helping Frank uphold the law is what he should do since he already has Officer in his name. Frank Frank welcomed Officer Estevez to help him by stating "You're lucky... I only team up with people who have more chest hair than me."

Upon joining Frank Frank, Officer Estevez had all of his clothes tailored into special, gorilla sized police uniforms. He even had his own special banana gun made because he claimed once he grips his banana he doesn't let go until it explodes. Frank Frank and Officer Estevez are always on the lookout for evil doers and strive to keep the peace in Pancake Paradise. Together they will once and for all take down the mighty pirates.