Frank Frank is one bad ass mother fucker. His whole existence revolves around upholding the law and making sure that he is not to be messed with. He is one of the most respected members of Pancake Paradise and always leads the parades checking to make sure they aren't walking into booby traps. At these parades he is famous for loading a real canon full of candy and shooting it directly at children.

In his spare time when he is not out patrolling he spends it by training to become an alligator wrestler. He says that if he can take down an alligator, then he can easily take down a human. He is just worried about ever facing an alligator that is dressed up as a human. He fears that their powers may be combined.

Frank Frank does not work alone. He has a partner that helps make all the criminals run and hide called Officer Estevez. Officer Estevez is a gorilla who had enough and decided to also uphold the law. They have since become such best friends that Frank Frank doesn't mind seeing Officer Estevez naked because most gorillas are usually naked anyway. Together they are an unstoppable force and are always their ready to strike whenever crime happens.