Pristine Christine is better than you so learn to deal with it. She is the only child of the richest man in Pancake Paradise. Her father disappeared when she was 20 years old when he was in a sail boat race around the island of Pancake Paradise and pirates won the race by sinking all the other boats. Her father had treated her like the most important person in the planet. Growing up, the only thing she had ever known for sure was she is the most important person on the planet.

Having lived her whole life thinking she was the most important person in the world she realized that most of the world did not comprehend it yet. She then decided to use her money and create a book that tells just how amazing she is called, Jesus Christine. She is trying to make it the greatest selling book of all time by buying all of the copies herself. She also made a play out of it where all the characters besides her were played by chimpanzees.

If she has not thrown a cup of hot coffee in your face yet just hang tight because she soon will. Though she does claim she only does that to people she actually likes. She would not dare waste her coffee on unworthy people. Whether the people learn to love her or not, she could care less because she has unlimited money and a lot of free time.